Most host-celebrity exchanges follow a pretty tight script. These did not.
Tom Cruise on Oprah's Couch
The sofa jump seen round the world. He probably has less enthusiasm about Katie Holmes now.
Serge Gainsbourg's Harassment of Whitney Houston
In a 1986 appearance on French TV, Gainsbourg — visibly schwasted — told a very young Houston that he wanted to "fuck" her. It got weirder from there.
Quentin Tarantino on Channel 4
Tarantino faced a gauntlet of questions about Django Unchained's depiction of slavery, and his frustration spilled over in this early 2013 interview.
Billy Bob Thornton on the CBC
He was quite sad about the death of legendary movie connoisseur Forest J. Ackerman, and wasn't in much of a mood to talk about the music he had gone on the show to promote. And then he went after the host for mentioning the fact that Thornton was an actor.