Sorry, Bruno Mars, but y’all remember Beyoncé?
When Beyoncé rose from the stage and a single ray of heavenly grace fell upon her flawless frame.
Christian Petersen / Getty Images
Sorry, Bruno Mars, but y’all remember Beyoncé?
Christian Petersen / Getty Images
Spoiler: He is 18,721 days old.
Elsa / Getty Images
Elsa / Getty Images
Kevin Cox / Getty Images
Rob Carr / Getty Images
Because what is the Super Bowl without ads featuring our favorite people.
So this is why she bleached her eyebrows.
W Magazine / Via Twitter: @MileyCyrus
W Magazine /
It was impressively awesome (and we were there). Here’s how it all went down.
Whitney Jefferson / BuzzFeed
Theo Wargo / Getty Images
Theo Wargo / Getty Images
They didn’t even get to watch the commercials.
Larry Busacca/Staff
Larry Busacca/Staff
StacyKeibler /
Hey I just met you / and this is crazy / I dropped my slipper / so call me maybe.
Carly is pictured above with Laura Osnes, the original Cinderella.
Without bangs! Weird.
Carol Rosegg / Cinderella on Broadway
Bieber’s Super Bowl weekend was NSFW and the following photo is something you won’t ever be able to unsee.
Splash News
Splash News
Don’t we all.
GoddessofLove / Twitter: @ladygaga
GoddessofLove /
Including but not limited to him being hot.
After you finish reading this you’ll love her even more. For real.
Her full name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll.
Steve Marcus / Reuters
Wonder what it feels like to be this talented.
Who knew Olivia Pope could sing?? She blessed us with this TINY sample during her interview with Jordan Sparks. MORE. WE WANT MORE.
Frazer Harrison/Staff
Kristen Bell's role in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer proved she's a well-rounded lady who's pretty much good at everything. Another musical, perhaps?
Jason Merritt/Staff
Are you a model? Because Leonardo DiCaprio would date you.
All he wanted was to give a note.
Fameflynet Pictures
Fameflynet Pictures
Will Ferrell did a Reddit AMA this afternoon on behalf of his favorite charity, Cancer For College . The results were amazing.
Bravo, Will.
It’s not particularly practical but A for effort?
irinashayk /
irinashayk /
Kylie Jenner even sustained an injury during their jumping session. Ouch.
Kimkardashian /
khloekardashian /
The double-bounce 'ain't no joke.
khloekardashian /
It's not for the faint of heart. If you can't handle it, you simply gotta walk away.
kourtneykardash /
AKA: what happened when the Blake, Adam, Kyle, and Ders showed up at the BuzzFeed office.
Earlier this week on a dreary morning filled with snow, Blake Anderson, Adam DeVine, Anders Holm, and Kyle Newacheck — collectively recognized as the dudes from Comedy Central's Workaholics — sauntered into the BuzzFeed New York office and into our collective heart. We presented them with a series of debate topics — some burning and earnest, others just ridiculous — and given their admission to heartily enjoying the Super Bowl the previous night, we found their ability to take even the most ludicrous question seriously and remain hilarious with a hangover quite impressive.
We presented the gentlemen a series of questions in which they MUST choose one answer or the other — these are their answers.
Macey J. Foronda/BuzzFeed
BuzzFeed Whitney: As the odd man out — why LARPers, Blake?
Blake Anderson: It's really close to D&D and I'm just a fan of the fantasy realm. (Points to his drawing)
BuzzFeed Whitney: And why did the rest of you choose Juggalos?
Adam DeVine: You can go to the dark carnival of souls for free. I'm into hatchets.
Anders Holm: Faygo, baby.
Adam: Moon Mist. They've got a lot of great soda flavors.
Ders: And LARPing's, like, for nerds. Juggalos are, like, hardcore —
Adam: — badass dudes.
Ders: (to Blake) I'm just saying.
Adam: I was at an airport like five years ago and I thought the hatchet man was The Offspring logo. My flight's all messed up and I'm trying to relate to this chick, I'm all, "Well, uh, maybe we can get me on the next one." And I'm like, "Ooh, cool, Offspring! I'm a fan." And I didn't get on that flight.
Ders: The worst thing you can do to a Juggalo is not know about their weird subculture.
Kyle Newacheck: I think it'd be fun to hang out with them just to feel better about yourself.
BuzzFeed Whitney: You guys didn't film the "Straight Up Juggalos" episode at the Gathering, did you?
Kyle: No, we recreated our own gathering. Much safer.
Adam: It looked good though, right? Looked pretty good!
BuzzFeed Dave: I went to the gathering.
Adam: Oh yeah? How was it? Bizarro?
BuzzFeed Dave: Well you said, [Kyle], that you feel better about yourself. I felt pretty good at the end of that. It was wild. People were putting things in weird places.
Ders: What do you mean? Can you elaborate on that? "Weird things in weird places"? Like stumpy arms and butts?
BuzzFeed Dave: Yeah... they were cutting things off their bodies you shouldn't be cutting off.
Ders: Nipples?
BuzzFeed Dave: Yeah, nipples. And then someone ate a nipple I think?
Ders: Is it weird that I knew?
Adam: Well, nipples do grow back though, right? I think they regenerate.
Ders: They just grow back longer.
Adam: I think it's real. I think so.
Kyle: That's fucking gross.
Ders: Let's get a little BuzzFeed fact-check on that?
[Ed.: Yeah, no. Nipples don't magically grow back when cut off without the help of a doctor or cosmetic surgeon.]
Kyle: Yeah... I think I'm switching to LARPing.
Macey J. Foronda/BuzzFeed
Ted told Conan the story of when he was on a boat with George Wendt and Woody Harrelson when he and Woody decided to do shrooms.