We also asked them how they spend their time on the porcelain throne at the premiere for season four of the show.
When's the last time you tripped and fell in public?
Yesterday maybe? Possibly.
What would your character's email address be?
Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images
If you had a sword, what would you name it?
Oh, wow, is this like a penis question? I can't answer now, all I'm thinking about is my dick! No, no, OK, if I had a sword... No, I can't, all I'm thinking about is my penis.
What mythical creature would you want to go into battle with?
A unicorn! A fucking unicorn! Like, Loras Tyrell, riding a fucking unicorn with a big old sword, chopping off people's heads and then he's got this ability to sprinkle flowers out of their decapitated neck.
When's the last time you tripped and fell in public?
Probably the other night. I probably don't remember it, but I have weird bruises somewhere, quite often.
What is your favorite thing to do while you're sitting on the porcelain throne?
On the toilet?! I like to read, actually. I've got, like, a stack of intellectual, philosophical books, and I like to get them out and read.
What are you reading now?
I'm reading an amazing book called The Occult Conspiracy. It's about how secret societies have influenced world power and politics throughout the ages. Going from ancient Egypt to free masonry of America. It's some fucking hardcore shit.
What would your character's email address be?
Lucas Jackson / Reuters
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