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The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills Were The True Stars Of Lady Gaga's "G.U.Y." Video


A flawless performance by all.

The magic starts when Gaga is pushed underwater and into a magical world filled with HOUSEWIVES.

The magic starts when Gaga is pushed underwater and into a magical world filled with HOUSEWIVES.

Interscope / youtube.com

Everybody's there! Carlton, Yolanda, Lisa...

Everybody's there! Carlton, Yolanda, Lisa...

Interscope / youtube.com

Kyle on the guitar...

Kyle on the guitar...

Interscope / youtube.com

And Kim, also on the guitar!

And Kim, also on the guitar!

Weirdly, Joyce and Brandi aren't in the video. Sorry ladies.

Interscope / youtube.com

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Jimmy Fallon Gets Arnold Schwarzenegger To Shout "Get To The Choppa!" Again

Lauren Graham Wants To Play Lorelai Gilmore Again And All Is Right In The World


Lauren Graham, aka Lorelai Gilmore, was her usual charming self in a Reddit AMA yesterday.

On Gilmore Girls.

On Gilmore Girls .

Q: "Are you addicted to coffee as much as Lorelai was in Gilmore Girls?"
Graham: "Sadly, yes. I drink it all day."

Q: "Was Melissa McCarthy hilarious to work with in Gilmore Girls? I love that many of the cast of that show went on to have such great acting careers!"
Graham: "Truly hilarious and kind on set, and then I'd go see her in Groundlings and be blown away by the characters she created."

Q: "Is Luke, Scott Patterson, a good kisser?"
Graham: "He's an excellent kisser, but all movie kisses are weird, since you're trying to have an intimate moment in front of a hundred people."

Q: "Did you have a good relationship with Alexis, do you still see her? You guys made such a great mother/daughter combination."
Graham: "Love her, we'll always have a special bond. Saw her in NY not too long ago. I had a nice lunch with TV mom Kelly and Amy S.P. as well. We went to Joe Allen, one of my faves."

Q: "Big fan of Gilmore Girls, will there ever be a movie?"
Graham: "I honestly don't know. I appreciate how many have asked. That character was so special - I wonder what happens to her too!"

Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

On Parenthood.

On Parenthood .

Q: "How much of the dialogue on Parenthood is improv? Also you're beautiful."
Graham: "It's a weird and wonderful mash-up of scripted and improvised. I've never gotten to do that on a show and I love it. Also, YOU'RE beautiful."

Q: "Which cast members do you hang out with the most when you're off set?"
Graham: "I see Mae and Miles a lot. Mae and I have started taking Pilates. Ouch!"

Q: "Who out of the cast on Parenthood is the most similar to their character?"
Graham: "Hard to say. Dax is an extremely funny guy who is also a super dedicated family man - like Crosby. And Peter is obviously perfect, just like Adam. :)"

David Livingston / Getty Images

On her acting career.

On her acting career.

Q: "You always seem to have so much fun on Craig Ferguson's show. How much is just TV and how much is real?"
Graham: "I love doing that show, and there's no way to fake that kind of genuine affection. We just have a weird/fun connection."

Q: "Do you still keep in touch with Connie Britton? Would you ever consider being on Nashville?"
Graham: "Connie and I moved to LA together and lived in an empty house, where all I remember us eating were Rice Krispie treats. She's still a friend, but now we both have furniture!"

Q: "Is there one role you wish you'd never agreed to take?"
Graham: "Not really. I probably learned as much or more from the projects that didn't turn out as I hoped."

Jason Kempin / Getty Images

On where she'd like to travel, how to be awesome, and such.

On where she'd like to travel, how to be awesome, and such.

Q: "5 things you can't leave home without."
Graham: "Notebook, pen (le pen is my favorite), book, lip balm, phone (of course)."

Q: "Top 3 things you love to do when you're in NYC!"
Graham: "I love to walk, anywhere really, but especially over the Brooklyn Bridge, shop with my sister, eat at Momofuku."

Q: "If you could pick place to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?"
Graham: "We're choosing where to go on vacation, so this has actually been the topic of discussion in our house for weeks! Japan, maybe?"

Q: "What is your #1 tip for other people trying to be as awesome as you?"
Graham: "Be friends with awesome people who tell you you're awesome."

Kevin Winter / Getty Images

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Andrew Garfield And Emma Stone Talk About His Spidey-Package

Tell Us About Yourself(ie): Funkmaster Flex


Michael N. Todaro / FilmMagic

What's your wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

1970 Chevelle SS.

When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?


What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?

"So digital."

What is the last thing you searched for on Google?

Planet Kixx.

Who is the last person that called or texted you?


What one thing drives you absolutely crazy?

Flat tires.

What's the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

My girlfriend’s hat.

What is one TV show you think everyone should be watching?

Pinks (drag racing).

What is your favorite reality-show guilty pleasure?


What makes you laugh the most?

Angie Martinez giving orders.

What's the first CD you bought?

Davy DMX.

Pick one: kittens or puppies?


New York or Los Angeles?

New York.

Comedy or drama?


Bacon or Nutella?


'80s or '90s?


Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?

Lizzie McGuire.

And finally: Tell us a secret.

I want to meet Kirstie Alley.

Aubrey Plaza Exposes The Dark Side Of Ring Pops

The 19 Most Influential Man Earrings In Hollywood


Mearrings are cool.

Harrison Ford

Harrison Ford

Sparkle Score: .2

Harrison, c'mon. A ball, really?

Imeh Akpanudosen / Getty Images

Zayn Malik

Zayn Malik

Sparkle Score: .5

It's a silver hoop so it's mostly just shiny, you know?

Jason Merritt / Getty Images

Colin Farrell

Colin Farrell

Sparkle Score: 1

Two hoops are better than one.

Tim P. Whitby / Getty Images

Chris Kirkpatrick

Chris Kirkpatrick

Sparkle Score: 2.4

Normally, I'd say "The more mearrings, the merrier". But I don't know, you guys.

Tim Boyles / Getty Images

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How To Keep Warm In The Winter According To Lady Gaga

34 Things You Never Knew About Leonardo DiCaprio


Leo is basically the Mother Teresa of our time.

1. A Russian millionaire paid $1.5 million to go on a space trip with Leo.

2. In 2009, Leo and Kate Winslet helped pay nursing home fees for the last living Titanic survivor so she wouldn't have to sell her mementos.

3. He can speak fluent German.


4. Leo was offered the role of Patrick Bateman inAmerican Psycho but didn't take it because all of his fans were teenage girls at the time.

5. He's named Leonardo because his pregnant mother was in a museum in Italy looking at a Leonardo da Vinci painting when he first kicked.

6. Leo owns a giant pet tortoise.

7. He is "hooked on" colonics.

8. In 2011, he bought a Salvador Dali painting for $1.2 million. At that same auction he was bidding on Picassos but apparently really wanted the Dali.

9. Leo's first agent wanted to change his name to Lenny Williams because he thought his name sounded too ethnic.

10. Leo owns his own fair-trade coffee company.

Via ecorazzi.com

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Are Beyonce And Jay Z Actually Much Older Than They Say They Are?


That story and more in today’s gossip roundup!

There's a crazy story about how Beyoncé and Jay Z are lying about their age and it's too crazy not to share. As per the International Business Times:

Kevork Djansezian / Getty Images

According to radio host and culture critic Troi Torain, popularly known as Star, Beyoncé's husband is 50 and not the 44 that public records indicate. And how did Torain know this? Because they are "age mates", he said.

"I shouldn't blow this up, maybe because he doesn't promote it publicly, but Jay-Z and I are the same age," he told a caller on his radio show Star: Live and Direct. "I will be 50 on May 3. He's 43, 42... that's just media bull****!"

The story also points out that Good Morning America anchor Biana Golodryga went to high school with Beyoncé and is 35 (not 32). Whether there's any truth to this or not (I mean who's really heard of "age mates" before?) it's clear that Bey and Jay are immortal souls who never age anyway.

Via ibtimes.co.uk

Late Homeland actor James Rebhorn wrote his own obituary and reading it will give you the feels.

Bryan Bedder / Getty Images

Diddy maybe changed his name to Puff Daddy but also maybe never really changed it in the first place? So... maybe just call him Sean for the time being.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images

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Celebrities Turned Into Hipsters

Jude Law And Jimmy Fallon Have A "Funny Face Off"

North West Peed On Kanye During The Vogue Photo Shoot

Kate Winslet Makes It Perfectly Clear Once Again That Leonardo DiCaprio Is Her Main Man

How To Start And Stop A Conversation If You're A Hipster


According to the Portlandia Activity Book , written by Fred Armison and Carrie Brownstein. Notice they put a bird on Conan’s moon.

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59 Things Jake Johnson Smells Like


Based on briefly standing near him at a PR event.

Photo from aforementioned event; authors lurking out of frame.

Mike Coppola / Via Getty Images Entertainment

1. Masculinity
2. Cedar, or maybe pine
3. Cloves
3. Cardamom
4. Hope
5. Probably "vetiver"
6. That sign from Love Actually that says "To me, you are perfect"
7. The act of chopping wood
8. Social justice
9. Motor oil
10. Crude oil
11. The constellation Orion
12. Black coffee
13. A handwritten grocery list
14. Artisanal cheese
15. A cornfield
16. Wind chimes
17. Lavender
18. Aubergine, the plant
19. Aubergine, the color
20. Idealism
21. Vengeance toward an ex
22. Halls honey-lemon cough drops
23. Carpenter jeans
24. Rocky road ice cream
25. A bonfire
26. Grass
27. Dawn, the time of day
28. Dawn, the dish soap
29. A bird made of hand-blown glass


30. A rainbow, but a rugged one
31. A bouquet of daffodils wrapped in flannel
32. Moss
33. Peppercorn
34. The lights going down just before the concert starts
35. Brad Pitt circa Legends of the Fall
36. Cacao
37. Gift wrap
38. The pool where you learned to swim
39. Fruit salad
40. A worn-in leather sofa
41. Ontology
42. The handsomest golden retriever
43. Fig
44. Fig Newtons
45. Clean laundry fresh out of a basket of kittens
46. Kale that's been alchemized into a juicy steak
47. Patience
48. An almond
49. A wisp of pipe smoke
50. A glass of all of your dreams come true, stirred with a cinnamon stick
51. The Central Park Boathouse
52. Bulleit Bourbon
53. The words "Your package is out for delivery"
54. Milk
55. Pewter
56. Bramble
57. The library in Beauty and the Beast
58. Your favorite sweatshirt
59. Almost nothing; just enough to be wide-open with possibility

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Riff Raff Talked About His Date With Katy Perry While Grabbing Another Other Girl's Butt


Ah, young love.

Last week we scratched our heads a bit when Riff Raff uploaded this photo of he and Katy Perry on a "date."

Last week we scratched our heads a bit when Riff Raff uploaded this photo of he and Katy Perry on a "date."

Riff Raff / instagram.com

Then Katy Perry confirmed that it WAS a true date when she reposted the same photo last week:

Then Katy Perry confirmed that it WAS a true date when she reposted the same photo last week:

Katy Perry / instagram.com

So what's their current status? Here, let Riff Raff explain it all in the classiest way possible:

So what's their current status? Here, let Riff Raff explain it all in the classiest way possible:

TMZ / youtube.com

TMZ / youtube.com

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Skidmore College Is Offering A Course This Summer Called "The Sociology Of Miley Cyrus"


There is a very good chance that college students will have to write the word “twerk” in their serious academic papers and that is beautiful.

This summer Skidmore College will be offering a class in "The Sociology of Miley Cyrus":

This summer Skidmore College will be offering a class in "The Sociology of Miley Cyrus":

i.imgur.com / Via Twitter: @nevonkipperman

It's being taught by Carolyn Chernoff, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at Skidmore.

It's being taught by Carolyn Chernoff, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at Skidmore.

Facebook: carolyn.chernoff.phd

I am interested in cities, arts, and social change, particularly on the level of social interaction and the production of "community". I investigate the role of culture in reproducing and transforming social inequality, and research conflict around diversity and difference. As a long-time cultural worker and activist, I have worked with many women's cultural organizations on issues of violence prevention, self-expression, and arts and culture. I have taught courses in education and in sociology at Penn, Moore College of Art and Design, and Ursinus College. Outside of higher education, I am a longtime community-based educator, having worked with K-12 students and adults in museum settings, nonprofits, and a variety of arts organizations, including The Girls' DJ Collective, of which I am co-founder.

The class description says that the course uses Miley Cyrus as a lens through which students can explore themes about race, gender, and identity in the media.

The class description says that the course uses Miley Cyrus as a lens through which students can explore themes about race, gender, and identity in the media.

Jeff Wheeler/Minneapolis Star Tribune / MCT

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Chris Evans To Retire From Acting, Wants To Direct


That story and more in today’s gossip roundup!

And another one bites the dust: Chris Evans announced in Variety that he's going to retire from acting after he fulfills his contract with Marvel. Say it ain't so:

Frazer Harrison / Getty Images

"I've known for a while I wanted to direct. But (time) never really opens up. There's another movie to do, there's another acting job. It just got to a point where I was like, you know what — I have to do this. If I'm acting at all, it's going to be under Marvel contract, or I'm going to be directing. I can't see myself pursuing acting strictly outside of what I'm contractually obligated to do. Without these movies, I wouldn't be directing. They gave me enough overseas recognition to greenlight a movie. And if I'm speaking extremely candidly, it's going to continue to do that for as long as the Marvel contract runs."

Via variety.com

So about that date Katy Perry and Riff Raff went on... you should watch this video.


In case you've been living under a ROCK for the past 24 hours, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are consciously uncoupling — that is to say, getting a divorce.

GOOP / goop.com

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9 Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today

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