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Is Jamie Dornan Better With A Beard Or Without?


A poll to put this debate to bed. That was not a Fifty Shades Of Grey pun.

Jamie Dornan with a beard:

Jamie Dornan with a beard:

Getty Images Jason Kempin

Jamie Dornan with no beard:

Jamie Dornan with no beard:

Getty Images Evan Agostini

Jamie Dornan with a beard:

Jamie Dornan with a beard:

Getty Images for NBCUniversal Jesse Grant

Jamie Dornan without a beard:

Jamie Dornan without a beard:


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"The Hills" And "Vanderpump Rules" Became One Show Last Night Thanks To Stacie The Bartender


This post is only for people who watched The Hills and currently watch Vanderpump Rules. Don’t even try to care if you don’t.

Hey guys, remember Stacie the bartender from The Hills?

Hey guys, remember Stacie the bartender from The Hills?

She first appeared when Spencer flirted with her at the bar (hence the bartender thing) and it caused all sorts of drama, and then she managed to become a cast member for seasons 5 and 6.

She first appeared when Spencer flirted with her at the bar (hence the bartender thing) and it caused all sorts of drama, and then she managed to become a cast member for seasons 5 and 6.

Well last night on Vanderpump Rules, Stacie resurfaced! As a bridesmaid in Scheana's wedding.

Well last night on Vanderpump Rules, Stacie resurfaced! As a bridesmaid in Scheana's wedding.

Twitter: @Katrinacm

There she is on the left.

There she is on the left.


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Keegan Allen Shares The Secrets Behind His Photos From The "Pretty Little Liars" Set


David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

You probably know Pretty Little Liars star Keegan Allen as your beloved Toby on-screen, but the ABC Family star's talent doesn't stop there. He's also an incredible photographer and poet — having been a fan of photography since he was a child — and now you can get an inside look into his world with his brand-new book, Life. Love. Beauty, featuring his most personal photos and poems he's written throughout his life.

Most importantly, his photographic journey takes you behind the scenes of PLL, featuring exclusive photos of the cast and crew throughout the past five seasons. In honor of the book's debut, we had Keegan Allen stop by BuzzFeed's New York offices to give us the story behind some of his most fascinating photos. Here's what went down.

1. Ashley Benson with a co-worker's newborn baby on set.

Keegan Allen

Keegan Allen: It’s a photo with Ashley and this little girl Emma who is our co-worker Tommy’s daughter. I took it cause I really liked how Ashley was very trendy-looking and the baby is just born, so who knows how trendy the baby will dress one day.

Is everyone in the cast and crew super close?

KA: The cast is really close — every single one of us is close with each other. And we all have these moments where we celebrate new life on set with one of our fellow co-workers. So it was a pretty special moment, and I’m definitely glad I captured that.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Keegan Allen

2. Troian Bellisario at the Television Critics Association Awards.

KA: Look at that walk! It was when we were doing the Television Critics Association Awards, the TCAs.

It was pretty amazing because — she just looks stunning all the time — but the light behind her was really pretty, and I was walking, so it was a rangefinder camera and you have to focus manually, so I took I think two or three shots and all of them were out of focus except for this one. She’s stunning — I mean, look at her.

3. Troian Bellisario and Keegan Allen during Season 1 of Pretty Little Liars.

Keegan Allen

KA: God, I feel like we change every time we walk off and on set. This photo was a selfie — it was on a camera, though, it wasn’t on an iPhone. I see myself so much younger in this, but I remember that scene was really funny — it was when she comes up to Toby and opens the door and there’s a chain across his face. She was making me laugh that day. Our friendship has been constant throughout the show. She always makes me laugh.

David J. Bertozzi BuzzFeed

4. A portrait of Troian Bellisario and Tyler Blackburn on set of PLL.

Keegan Allen

Keegan Allen

KA: Oh man, I love these. I love them so much because the lighting was so amazing. What’s really cool is Troian’s photo was indoor lighting from the makeup chair lights, and Tyler’s photo is outside natural lighting from the sun. And it’s interesting — you can see the sun in Tyler’s eyes, and you can see the makeup table arc in Troian’s eyes. But more so, you can see how photogenic these two are. Without even trying to be! And I didn’t pose them. They were just sitting there and I was like, “Troian!” And Tyler was less responsive — he was deep in thought, and I was just like, click!

In your book you say that Tyler is one of the most selfless people — can you give us an example?

KA: He’s just a pleasure to work with on every level. And as far as his selflessness as an actor, he just is, like, a very giving actor to work with, and he’s very focused and just a good guy.

5. Lucy Hale filming the black-and-white episode of PLL.

Keegan Allen

KA: Oh, yeah. That was during the black-and-white episode. And that’s shot through one of those unbreakable windows. That was an interesting day — everyone was really tired, and it looks like it’s daylight, but that was shot pretty much in the middle of the night.

You talk about covering one of her songs and sending it to herwhich song was it?

KA: That song “Rock This Town” — she’s so adorable and amazingly stunning in that video, and I remember I saw it and did a Quicktime video of me playing it and sent it to her.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

6. Nolan North on the set of PLL.

Keegan Allen

KA: He does all of the voices for most of the video games. He’s the voice of Drake in Uncharted, and a lot of Call of Duty stuff. I made a joke that he voices the Betty Crocker commercials [in my book]; he does not. There’s one voice that he can’t do that he tries to do — it’s like a robot voice — and my friend Brett Dier taught me how to do it. Nolan can do every voice in the world — he can do Christopher Walken so good that it sounds like Christopher Walken — but he cannot do the robot voice, I have him beat!

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

7. Lucy Hale memorizing a monologue before her scene.

Keegan Allen

KA: Oh yeah, I remember that. She had a huge monologue to memorize. Lucy comes in and hadn’t seen the scene yet, and she goes — seriously — “OK, let me see what it is.” (Reads the book for 10 seconds.) “OK, got it!” And goes in and nails it on one take. I was like, ahhh. I’m not that quick at memorizing. She’s got a photographic memory. I think all the girls do at this point.

How long does it usually take you guys to memorize?

KA: For that monologue that she had to do? I don’t know, she did it in one look. It would take me a couple more minutes than that (laughs). She just did it in one look — that’s what I thought was so amazing is that moment of her just sitting down.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

8. Sasha Pieterse during Season 1 of PLL.

Keegan Allen

KA: That was, like, the first photo I took of Sasha, and she was so young, but she doesn’t act young.

When I first met Sasha she was very coquettishly looking over at me and she’s like, (waves) “Hey, what’s up?” And I was like, Sweet, this show’s great! And then I was like, “What’s up, what’s your name, who do you play...” And she was like, “I play Allison. My name’s Sasha Pieterse.” And I’m like, “Cool, nice to meet you.” And she’s like, “This is my mom.” I was like, “Cool, your mom… Bringing your mom?” And then she left and Ian Harding was like, “Yeah, that’s crazy, right? She just turned 14!” And I was like, Aaaahhh, so embarrassed.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

9. All four of the Liars filming the black-and-white episode.

Keegan Allen

KA: I thought it was really cool because Joe [the director of the black-and-white episode] is so passionate about film noir and that genre as well. But what’s really cool is that we were shooting on stages that originally employed Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart and really iconic films like that. So there were spirits among us of epic classic cinema!

We’re there many major struggles or differences you guys had for this episode compared with the others?

KA: Yeah, it was just about really studying movies like The Big Sleep — and not only that, but also understanding the way cinematography was. You know, putting blue filters on the lenses, and the girls in what they were wearing. Had they been wearing that in real, color life it would’ve been jarring, but because of all the monochrome, and Mandi Line designing great textures — it's just kind of amazing all that goes into one little scene.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

10. The cast hanging out in between filming.

Keegan Allen

KA: Usually I’m taking photos; Ian is tentatively paying attention to Ashley showing him Instagram photos, probably, or going through her camera roll of things that she did; Troian is sleeping and trying to drown out all the noise around her, and I think that’s Shay’s legs in the corner. Shay's usually reading a book. Or Troian or Ashley or I will be reading a book, and we’ll pass it along to each other. It definitely feels like a book club sometimes.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

11. Ashley Benson and Shay Mitchell at the end of their night shoot.

Keegan Allen

KA: That was the last shot of that episode and they were so tired. They have these huge lights because we were illuminating to look like moonlight, and as they were walking through, it was blinding them. But they do look very glamorous — look at their eyelashes, I love it. And what’s really cool is that when this was emulsified onto film when I downloaded it digitally, you can go really close in and see each eyelash, it’s really cool. I’m such a nerd. I don’t know why people put up with this.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

12. Tyler Blackburn and Ashley Benson making out on set.

Keegan Allen

KA: This is Ashley and Tyler rehearsing their kissing scene. They mess around so much and they do it sometimes I think just to make people uncomfortable.

There was a bunch of extras on set that day and she was just like, “Hey, Tyler!” And he was like, “Hey, Ashley.” And she was just like (sticks tongue out). And Tyler’s always just like, “All right” (laughs). And they did that I think for the photo and also for the [extras]. They’re just pranksters — I love ‘em.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

13. Troian Bellisario during a table read.

Keegan Allen

KA: That’s, like, Troian writing something on her wrist in Sharpie to remember. I think she was writing down coordinates to an Arcade Fire secret show. She’s such a hipster sometimes — she slept I think on the street. But for Arcade Fire, I mean, I agree. It was during their album The Suburbs. But yeah, she was writing coordinates because the band was putting out tweets to where it was going to be, so she was doing some Troian-istic thing.

Is it ever awkward during a table read to have to act out certain things while you’re just sitting there at a table?

KA: Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’ll say, like, "Emily’s running through the woods and she screams, 'Help, Aria! Help!'” So, the way that Shay would say it would be like, “Oh, OK. Help Aria help.” And then everyone will laugh because it’s not in the moment as much because it’s being read in a room full of people, cast, crew, and executives.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

14. Troian Bellisario as a member of the A team.

Keegan Allen

KA: I remember I took it and then Marlene King and Lisa Cochran our show producer and developer came over like, “Um, you can’t develop that for a long time.” And then like seven shadowy figures came up behind them like, “You can’t release that!” No, I’m just kidding (laughs).

David J. Bertozzi BuzzFeed

15. Ian Harding, Ashley Benson, and Shay Mitchell at the PLL wrap party.

Keegan Allen

KA: OK, wait. There is an explanation for this! That was at the wrap party for Season 3. Yeah, I guess there isn’t really an explanation, it was just a moment in time in which I was, like, really trying to capture Ashley’s — this is really what happened, and believe me, I know it’s gonna sound ridiculous — Ashley’s fingernails were really cool. And she was like (puts hands up by chest), and then Shay did too, and Ian was like, "Yeah, yeah, let’s all do this.” And I was like, All right! But that’s what I mean, this is why the cast is so fun (laughs).

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

See even more stunning photographs in Keegan Allen's new book, Life. Love. Beauty, available in bookstores everywhere!

15 Times Chloe Grace Moretz Understood You On A Spiritual Level

Taylor Swift And Kanye West Are Going Into The Studio Together


This should be ~interesting~.

We all remember the famous Kanye West stunt at the 2009 MTV VMAs that stunned both Taylor Swift and the world.

We all remember the famous Kanye West stunt at the 2009 MTV VMAs that stunned both Taylor Swift and the world.


Getty Images for NARAS Larry Busacca

Getty Images for NARAS Larry Busacca

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Gigi Hadid And Rose Bertram Re-Enact Awkward Stock Photos


Stock photos: Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

Stock photo lady laughing with balloons:

Stock photo lady laughing with balloons:

Thinkstock / thinkstock.com

Gigi laughing with balloons:

Gigi laughing with balloons:

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed // Chris Ritter / BuzzFeed

Stock photo lady hard at work on a laptop:

Stock photo lady hard at work on a laptop:

Thinkstock / thinkstock.com

Rose hard at work on a laptop:

Rose hard at work on a laptop:

David Bertozzi / BuzzFeed // Chris Ritter / BuzzFeed

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Rose Bertram And Gigi Hadid On What It's Really Like To Be A Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model


David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Gigi Hadid and Rose Bertram are just a few of the talented supermodels gracing the pages of the famous Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition this year. So when the two stopped by BuzzFeed New York this week, we had to grill them about what it's really like being a model — like whether they prefer pizza or chocolate, and the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to them during a photo shoot. Here's what went down.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Do you have a favorite sport?

Rose Bertram: I used to play soccer. 'Cause I was like a guy before, boyish.

Gigi Hadid: I like playing volleyball but I like watching basketball.

How about a favorite sports team?

GH: They're not doing so well for me now, but I'm an L.A. girl so I have to say the Lakers. We'll come back. It's fine.

RB: I must say PSG, it's Paris Saint-Germain in France. They're really good.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Do you have a favorite memory from your Sports Illustrated set?

RB: Yeah, I have a lot! The most weird thing I've ever done in front of people is peeing in the sea. Because it took too long [to leave] and we were losing the sun. So I said, OK, I'll go in the sea.

GH: I didn't tell anyone when I peed in the ocean during my shoot! I shot with a horse and he was following me on the beach…and he untied my bathing suit! I caught it in time, though. They have it in video.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

In your own personal time, are you more of a one-piece or bikini person?

GH: Bikini.

RB: Yeah, me too. Bikini.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Would you rather have a lifetime supply of pizza or chocolate?

GH: Pizza.

RB: Pizza.

Twitter or Instagram?

RB: Instagram.

GH: Instagram.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Were there any major embarrassing moments that happened on set?

RB: I actually hate the sea so I don't really swim (laughs). I was laying down while they were shooting and it was topless, so I was holding my hands like this [covers chest with hands] and I felt something on my leg. Everyone was filming background shots. I stood up and I forgot that I didn't have anything on and I was running. It'll probably be in the video but censored…

GH: Nothing really embarrassing happened to me. Everyone's kind of like a family so you just laugh it off. You don't feel uncomfortable. They're awesome.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

What's your favorite location that you've ever shot?

RB: Well I must say St. John.

GH: I shot in Tahiti and it was amazing.

Do you have a doppelgänger?

RB: For years I've been compared to Jasmine Sanders.

GH: Oh yeah.

RB: We met during a show, which was really funny. We don't really look like each other; we both have light skin, she has blue eyes and I have green, so kind of the same type. But I don't know if we look like each other. Do you think?

GH: Well it's just the hair I think, but besides that, no.

RB: Maybe.

GH: I think it's really funny when there are these guys who are [at a fan event] with like, 30 pictures to sign. And sometimes they walk up to you with a picture of someone else and it's just like, "Buddy…"

Do you ever say, "That's not me?"

GH: I just say, "Oh that's not me!" and I run to my car.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

What's your favorite music to play while shooting?

GH: Anything Beyoncé.

RB: I love R&B and hip-hop, so whatever's, like, bouncing and shaking.

GH: Beyoncé makes me feel like I AM Beyoncé, which always helps.

How long do you guys prepare for this kind of shoot?

RB: I prepared two months for this shoot. I worked out and TRIED to eat healthy.

GH: I was boxing — I box every day — but besides that I think I had my last burger I think three days before the shoot, if we're being honest here.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Have you ever taken anything from a set?

GH: It's usually like, "Oh I love this!" and the stylist will say, "You can have it!" and it's like, "Oh, thank you."

RB: That's crazy. I got one necklace on set a couple of weeks ago on set when I asked the stylist about this really nice choker. I asked the stylist when it was coming out but she gave it to me.

Do you have a celebrity crush?

RB: No.

GH: Beyoncé.

What's your biggest fear?

GH: Beyoncé.

RB: Falling into the ocean, far away into the ocean.

GH: I think, ummm, getting murdered.

What's your favorite website?

GH: BuzzFeed!

RB: Damnit!

What's your favorite emoji?

RB: I like the heart eyes.

GH: This one.

David J. Bertozzi / BuzzFeed

Check out Gigi Hadid and Rose Bertram in the brand new Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition on newsstands now!

Plus, see Gigi and Rose hilariously recreate awkward stock photos, here.

Eugene Levy Has A Really Hot Son

10 Times Reporters Asked Female Celebrities The Wrong Damn Question

But Seriously, How Come Victoria Beckham Doesn't Follow The Other Spice Girls On Twitter?


Is Victoria Beckham too posh for the other Spice Girls?

Everyone remembers the Spice Girls, the mega popular '90s singing group that is, arguably, the greatest female group ever.

Everyone remembers the Spice Girls, the mega popular '90s singing group that is, arguably, the greatest female group ever.

You remember rockin' out to "Wannabe" in your underwear on Saturday morning? Of course you do!

Icon Productions / Via perezhilton.com

Anyway, these ladies did more than make incredibly catchy pop hits, they advocated camaraderie and female empowerment.

Anyway, these ladies did more than make incredibly catchy pop hits, they advocated camaraderie and female empowerment.

Girl Power!

Via giphy.com

The group officially disbanded in 2000, however, they've reunited for shows and such since the mid '00s. Most recently they performed at the 2012 Olympics in London.

The group officially disbanded in 2000, however, they've reunited for shows and such since the mid '00s. Most recently they performed at the 2012 Olympics in London.

And some of their old demos have allegedly been leaked, too.

NBC / Via dailydot.com

These women have spent a good portion of their lives together, so you'd think everything would be peachy keen amongst them, right?

These women have spent a good portion of their lives together, so you'd think everything would be peachy keen amongst them, right?

Well, you're wrong.


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16 Ladies Who Would Be Perfect For Girls Night


Ladies leave ya man at home. It’s girls night!

Sometimes you just need to hang out with your girls, let your hair down, and have a good time.

Sometimes you just need to hang out with your girls, let your hair down, and have a good time.

But, what if you could invite a celeb to your ladies-only gathering? Well, if we had to pick, here's who we'd invite...

E! / realitytvgifs.tumblr.com

Cara Delevingne

Because everyone needs that friend who'll talk you into doing something really dumb.


Zoe Kravitz

So chill and so carefree.


Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Like you wouldn't enjoy a reality TV marathon with JLaw.


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Dr. Phil Without Words Is Television In Its Truest Form

Demi Lovato Shows You How To Give Your Man The Perfect Mini-Facial

12 Stars Who Are Cold As Ice



Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper


Padma Lakshmi

Padma Lakshmi


Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal


Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton


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38 Photos That Prove Why Zoe Saldana Should Always Be Center Stage


Girl has style like NO OTHER.

Hello passengers, this is your captain speaking.

Hello passengers, this is your captain speaking.

Larry Busacca / Via Getty Images

It has come to my attention that not everyone knows Zoe Saldana is the most stylish human in Hollywood.

It has come to my attention that not everyone knows Zoe Saldana is the most stylish human in Hollywood.

Jason Merritt / Via Getty Images

Well, this is obviously because you've never seen a photo of her.

Well, this is obviously because you've never seen a photo of her.

Larry Busacca / Via Getty Images

Because if you've ever seen a photo of her you would know that the red carpet was MADE for Zoe.

Because if you've ever seen a photo of her you would know that the red carpet was MADE for Zoe.

Michael Buckner / Via Getty Images for Variety

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Jamie Dornan Looks Exactly Like This Gay Porn Star


For anyone who wants 50 Shades of Grey to be way more porny.

50 Shades of Grey hits movie theaters across America this week, reminding the world of the extreme hotness of Jamie Dornan.

50 Shades of Grey hits movie theaters across America this week, reminding the world of the extreme hotness of Jamie Dornan.

Universal Pictures

He was a hot Calvin Klein model.

He was a hot Calvin Klein model.

Calvin Klein

He was a super foxy cop in Once Upon a Time.

He was a super foxy cop in Once Upon a Time.


And he was an even hotter serial killer in The Fall.

And he was an even hotter serial killer in The Fall.


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9 Romantic Comedies Reimagined As Thrillers


What if your favorite rom-com took a turn for the worst?

We took nine rom-coms and and made them just a little darker.

©Universal/Courtesy Everett Collection

bykst/ pixabay.com

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Tell Us About Yourself(ie): Kevin Pereira


Jason Merritt / Getty. Chris Ritter / BuzzFeed.

What's your wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

Default images of starry galaxies and Yosemite.

When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?

An Uber. So I can return home to my weed.

What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?


What is the last thing you searched for on Google?

Non-incognito? “smart phone deadbolt lock comparison”

Who is the last person that called or texted you?

My good buddy and even good-er director Phillip Van.

What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?

Iquitos Peru: Let a child run around their village with my iPhone to film a Hyperlapse. She loved it. Then wanted to keep the phone. I tried to explain with hand gestures and apologetic shrugs that I needed to leave with the phone. A few hugs, minutes dancing and bartered shirts made everything better.

When is the last time you went to a theater?

Movie: Whiplash Performance: Hedwig and the Angry Inch

What TV show should everyone should be watching?

Shark Tank. Or Black Mirror. Both, really.

And what is your TV guilty pleasure?

See above. Then include The Taste.

What's the first CD you bought?

Oddly, or perhaps fittingly, a discounted CD of sound-effects.

What is the one food you cannot resist?

Greasy burritos.

What music are you currently listening to?

The Dear Hunter. What So Not. Louis Futon.

What movie makes you laugh the most?

Airplane. Or UHF.

What drives you absolutely crazy?

The illusion of digital-connectivity. And pull-handles on bathroom doors.

What was your first online screen name?


What's your favorite emoji?

Eight. Equals. Equals. Equals. Capital ‘D’. #OldSchoolCool

Pick one: Kittens or puppies?

Puppies that chase laser pointers.

New York or Los Angeles?

NY Summers. LA Anyotherseason. Copout?

Comedy or drama?


Bacon or Nutella?


Coffee or tea?

Pry my french press from my freshly-ground-artisanal-bean-stained hands.

'80s or ‘90s?

'90s. Because the Internet. And Quake.


Dirty pop!

Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?

Are these Minecraft characters?

And finally: tell us a secret.

Everyone is making it up as they go along; distrust anyone who claims otherwise.

Hack My Life airs Tuesdays at 10:30/9:30c on truTV.

This Jamie Dornan Shoot Is More Passionate Than Any "Fifty Shades Of Grey" Clip

Kylie Jenner Made Her Dog An Instagram And He Has More Followers Than You


It’s a dog’s life, alright.

Yesterday Kylie Jenner announced that she made her dog, Norman, his own Instagram account.


The Italian Greyhound has been part of the family since December, appearing in several of Kylie’s instagrams since.


In less than a day, Norman has already gained 193K followers.


Which is way more than any of us peasants will ever have.


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