Channel: BuzzFeed - Celebrity
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Prince's Junior High Basketball Photo Will Blow Your Mind

Chris Hemsworth And Kate McKinnon Are Really Good At The "Dirty Dancing" Move

Karrueche Tran Tweets Good-Bye To Chris Brown After "Baby Drama" Surfaces


Well played, Karrueche.

Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown have had an on-again, off-again relationship for some time now but today it would appear they're done for good.

Karrueche Tran and Chris Brown have had an on-again, off-again relationship for some time now but today it would appear they're done for good.

Imeh Akpanudosen / Getty Images

News broke overnight that Chris Brown allegedly has a child.

News broke overnight that Chris Brown allegedly has a child.

Or as TMZ so kindly put it:

Or as TMZ so kindly put it:


Upon hearing the news, we can only assume that Karruche quickly went from this...

Upon hearing the news, we can only assume that Karruche quickly went from this...

Noam Galai

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What Remy Denton From "House of Cards" Is Like In Real Life


David J. Bertozzi / Chris Ritter // BuzzFeed

When Mahershala Ali was in the BuzzFeed offices just a few weeks ago, we asked him to describe what his character would be like in real life, react to situations from the TV show he stars on, and try to build an actual house of cards. (Let it be known that it's impossible to build a house of cards on a shaky table, but that's not to say he didn't try.) Between the GIFs and the cards, we spoke with Mahershala about his inspirations for playing the political powerhouse that is Remy Danton. In asking him about what Remy would be like in real life, it became very clear that Mahershala gets in the proverbial zone by listening to a particular playlist of music, which he very kindly shared with us.

In your own mind, what kind of car would Remy drive?

I think Remy would drive a Jaguar, like an F-Type or something. Something masculine but quick and sporty.

What neighborhood would he live in?

Honestly, I would put Remy in Clinton Hill [Brooklyn] or something like that.

If Remy wasn't in politics, what do you think he would be doing?

I think he would be practicing law, for sure.

What do you think his ultimate dream job in politics would be?

That's a great question just because of some things that happen this season. I think he's actually figuring that out right now, in some way, shape, or form. The type of success that he's had ... such a small percentage of people even get to that point. He's been a partner at a lobbying firm, you know what I'm saying? He was fairly young when he did that, and on top of that, African-American. How some of those things play into what you visualize what's possible for you to accomplish, I think he's kind of done it. I don't think he wants to be a president or a vice president or a governor, or something like that. So he's kind of done what you can do in his field and at this stage it's about him being fulfilled as a person in other aspects of his life.

What would be the last concert he went to?


What would be his go-to drink?

You got me there, because I don't drink! I don't know my drinks, so, maybe a Pellegrino.

Do you think he'd have a favorite reality show?

You know, my [own] reality TV is HGTV. I watch a lot of home stuff; I like seeing things go from one thing to another and get fixed up. Something like that — Ellen's Design Challenge!

What do you think his favorite animal is?

He doesn't have a pet. He doesn't time for pets. That would slow him down. He might have a fish tank or something...

What's his favorite movie?

I think he would like Raging Bull.

What's his Chipotle order?

Light on the guac, heavier on the cheese, black beans.

What would Remy binge-watch on Netflix?

Breaking Bad.

Would he prefer bacon or Nuetella?

I prefer Nutella. So Remy and I both would prefer Nutella.

Would Remy wait in line for a cronut?

Yeah, he could check his email.

What would his Twitter handle be?


Does he have a favorite website?


What would his favorite emoji be?

Are there [any] serious emojis? If not, the thumbs up!

What would be his favorite song?

Well I have a Remy playlist/mixtape. I definitely think he's like, in terms of the ladies and cool-out music, he's like a D'Angelo guy. With Remy I was thinking a lot about, What if Jay Z had different opportunities and was exposed to [politics]? 'Cause he's a brilliant guy, if you really listen to Jay Z talk.

I use a lot of Jay Z to inspire Remy in terms of a lot of the confidence that is inherent in Jay Z's music. A little bit of Nas, to balance it out with some other stuff that is even more underground, [like] MF Doom, and people like that. But I don't really get too much into that with him, with Remy, it's more of like a Jay Z thing. Even with the Jay Z/Kanye album [Watch the Throne] — I was listening to that album a lot when we first started doing the show — I felt like it was reflective of Remy at that time.

I can send you my playlist if you want.

Yes please.

And here's the playlist on Spotify:


Season 3 of House of Cards is available to watch now on Netflix.

Taylor Swift Helped A 4-Year-Old Cancer Patient Complete Her Bucket List


Jalene Salinas’ last dream was to dance to “Shake It Off” with Swift, and on Monday night her wish came true.

When 4-year-old Jalene Salinas found out she had terminal brain cancer, her family set out to accomplish a bucket list filled with her biggest dreams.

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The final wish to complete that bucket list? Dancing along to her favorite song, "Shake It Off," with Taylor Swift.

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And after the campaign #ShakeItOffJalene went viral on Twitter, Swift reached out to the family to make that dream come true, FaceTiming her biggest fan on Monday night.

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Swift talked to Jalene for 20 minutes, KENS 5 News reported. "I'm so sorry you're having a bad night, I'm so happy to talk to you though and I'm so happy you like 'Shake It Off,'" Swift said during the call.

Swift talked to Jalene for 20 minutes, KENS 5 News reported. "I'm so sorry you're having a bad night, I'm so happy to talk to you though and I'm so happy you like 'Shake It Off,'" Swift said during the call.

Once again proving that Taylor Swift has an actual heart of gold. ?❤️

KENS 5 News

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Which "Pretty Little Liars" Guy Should You Be Dating?


They’re all A+ babes so you can’t really go wrong.

Taylor Swift Threw A Birthday Party For Camila Cabello And Invited A Lot Of Cool People


Troop Taylor grows.

Camilla Cabello, member of Fifth Harmony with the voice of an angel, celebrated her birthday this week with a party thrown by Taylor Swift.


Camilla was really grateful for Taylor and it seems like they have a lot of inside jokes and to be honest I'M REALLY JEALOUS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING.

Camilla was really grateful for Taylor and it seems like they have a lot of inside jokes and to be honest I'M REALLY JEALOUS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING.

If you are wondering if other famous people were in attendance, the answer is: YES.


Taylor's squad AKA Troop Taylor was in full force.


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Chelsea Handler Goes Topless To Slam Boob Job Rumors

14 Reasons We're Excited To See Luke Evans As Gaston


He’s a great actor and he’s incredibly hot.

He looks good in leather.

He looks good in leather.

Gaston seems like the kind of dude who owns really tight leather pants.

Vittorio Zunino Celotto / Getty Images

He can sing.

And if Disney stays true to the original movie, then Luke's going to have to sing.


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Jared Leto Also Debuted Platinum Blonde Hair At Paris Fashion Week


Oohhhhhh shittttttt.

Maybe by now you've seen Kim K's new 'do.

Maybe by now you've seen Kim K's new 'do.

Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images

Well, step aside Kim because Jared Leto ALSO switched up his style as you will find out just as soon as you reveal the below picture.

Well, step aside Kim because Jared Leto ALSO switched up his style as you will find out just as soon as you reveal the below picture.


"Hey, hey Kim, Imma let u finish but my hair is also platinum blonde and slicked back."

"Hey, hey Kim, Imma let u finish but my hair is also platinum blonde and slicked back."

Pierre Suu / Getty Images

The list of Draco Malfoy impersonators keeps growing.

The list of Draco Malfoy impersonators keeps growing.

Pierre Suu / Getty Images

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Kelly Clarkson Responded To Criticism Of Her Weight In The Best Way Possible


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

So you might have heard of British personality Katie Hopkins.

So you might have heard of British personality Katie Hopkins.

She writes for The Sun, has appeared on The Apprentice, and likes to talk about things that piss people off.

Ian Gavan / Via Getty Images

Well recently, Katie decided to criticize singer Kelly Clarkson for her weight.

Well recently, Katie decided to criticize singer Kelly Clarkson for her weight.

Robin Marchant / Via Getty Images

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41 Reasons Eva Mendes Is Having The Best Birthday Ever


Hey girl. Happy birthday.

Frazer Harrison / Via Getty Images

Andreas Rentz / Via Getty Images

Pascal Le Segretain / Via Getty Images

Vito Amati / Via Getty Images

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Tell Us About Yourself(ie): Gavin Stenhouse


Slaven Vlasic / Getty. Chris Ritter / BuzzFeed.

What's your wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

A Fallout "Vault Boy" wallpaper.

When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?

A totally non-girly, manly man’s drink... Appletini?

What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?


What is the last thing you searched for on Google?

Whether Geek & Sundry had released a new TableTop episode.

Who is the last person that called or texted you?

Kenneth Choi.

What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?

I went up to Tina Fey at a party and told her she was a "wonderful human bean" before giggling like a fangirl. Safe to say it got pretty awkward pretty quick. She was lovely, though...felt a little sorry for me, I think.

When is the last time you went to a theater?

It was a while ago, but to see the legendary Howard Jones at the Greek Theatre in L.A.

What TV show should everyone should be watching?

Erm... #Allegiance...?

And what is your TV guilty pleasure?

Watching Friends reruns on Netflix.

What's the first CD you bought?

Actually, it was a cassette tape and it was "Three Little Pigs" by Green Jelly.

What is the one food you cannot resist?

Olives. On any given day you'll probably find me hanging out at the olive bar in Whole Foods.

What music are you currently listening to?

"Resolution" by Matt Corby, "In The Long Run" by The Staves, "I Won't Complain" by Benjamin Clementine, "Jungle Love" by Morris Day & The Time, "Let's Hear It For The Boy" by Deniece Williams, "Things Can Only Get Better" by Howard Jones. All at the same time.

What movie makes you laugh the most?

Robin Hood: Men In Tights or Team America, “F**k yeah!”

What drives you absolutely crazy?

The sound that plates make when I'm stacking them to put them away.

What was your first online screen name?

Shmavin Shmenhouse.

What's your favorite emoji?


Pick one: Kittens or puppies?

Puppies all the way.

New York or Los Angeles?

Tough one — I love New York, but Los Angeles is my home.

Comedy or drama?

Dramedia del Partay.

Bacon or Nutella?

Butella? I want to patent that...although I'd have to work on the brand name. ಠ_ಠ

Coffee or tea?


'80s or '90s?

Both are awesome vintages.

Britney or Christina?

Billie Piper.


I don't understand what you're asking of me.

Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?

Weren't they the same person?

And finally: Tell us a secret.

I see dead people.

Allegiance airs Thursdays at 10/9c on NBC.

28 Questions With "Insurgent" Star Ansel Elgort


Ansel took over BuzzFeed’s Twitter account to answer your craziest questions — from what song he sings in the shower, to how he feels about Barbara Streisand.

Jon Premosch / BuzzFeed

Ahead of Insurgent, the highly anticipated sequel from the Divergent book-turned-movie series, Ansel Elgort stopped by BuzzFeed NY to chat all about the forthcoming film. In between making some very important GIFs, he sat down at one of our desks and took over the BuzzFeed Twitter account, answering all of your ~burning questions~. Here's what happened.

Ansel Elgort: DOG all day baby.

Twitter: @cerromn

AE: Showtunes, or "Love In This Club" by Usher.

Twitter: @justinelgort

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Which Famous Jennifer Are You?


It’s the time to figure out if you’re J.Law or J.Lo.

Six Situations Everyone Who Has Ever Been The Third Wheel Will Recognize


It’s hard out here for Kris Jenner.

When you are sitting there and the bicycle you are with is telling secrets and you're like "hello, what, can't hear you??"

When you are sitting there and the bicycle you are with is telling secrets and you're like "hello, what, can't hear you??"

David Fisher / David Fisher / Rex/REX USA

When they keep telling secrets and you are just like "OK, I have my own secrets anyway!!"

When they keep telling secrets and you are just like "OK, I have my own secrets anyway!!"

David Fisher / David Fisher / Rex/REX USA

When the bicycle you are with is laughing at whatever jokes they just told each other and you're like "kill me now!!!"

When the bicycle you are with is laughing at whatever jokes they just told each other and you're like "kill me now!!!"

David Fisher / David Fisher / Rex/REX USA

When you literally just sit there and stare at a fleck of dust in the air because you have nothing to do and no one to talk to.

When you literally just sit there and stare at a fleck of dust in the air because you have nothing to do and no one to talk to.

David Fisher / David Fisher / Rex/REX USA

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John Mayer: "I'm A Recovered Ego Addict"


Now you know.

This morning on Today Ronan Farrow spoke with John Mayer about his being an "ego addict."

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(His words, not ours.)


On "the moment where you first thought, this is not what I want to be known for?"

On "the moment where you first thought, this is not what I want to be known for?"

NBC / today.com

His response to the question: "You don't consider yourself a womanizer?"

His response to the question: "You don't consider yourself a womanizer?"

He continued, "No, absolutely not. But when you're crafty, and you're clever, and you go, 'Well I'm just going to be as strange as they think I am.'"

NBC / today.com

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This Is What Justin Bobby From "The Hills" Looks Like Today


Slightly less hair, a little more of a beard — still a babe.

We all remember one of The Hills' most famous heartbreakers: Justin Bobby.

The king of existential one-liners.

The kind of ~bad boy~ where your heart says HELL YES and your head says, girl, are you ok?

Well, here he is now. Looking as beautifully grungy as ever.

Justin Bobby knows how to work ? a ? beard.


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Kelly Clarkson Just Confessed She And Justin Guarini Were Dating

Here's What Every "America's Next Top Model" Winner Looks Like Today

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